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Shirley M. Malcom Prize for Excellence in Mentoring

To recognize and celebrate the important role mentors serve during the education, training, and advancement of promising students and scientists, the Institute has established the Shirley M. Malcom Prize for Excellence in Mentoring. Established in 2021, the Malcom Prize honors senior trustee Shirley Malcom's long-standing commitment, via her personal mentorship, national leadership, and international advocacy, to make STEM education accessible for all.

The Shirley M. Malcom Prize for Excellence in Mentoring is to be awarded annually to a faculty member who, through mentoring, supports the achievement and well-being of students. Criteria include, but are not limited to, effective mentoring practices, such as: giving regular feedback, guidance, and advice; providing access to academic and professional information, resources, and opportunities; and helping to ensure a safe and encouraging environment.

All members of the Institute's faculty of the Institute are eligible for the prize, and nominations for the Malcom Mentoring Prize are welcome from faculty, students, postdoctoral scholars, staff, and alumni.

Malcom Prize Recipients

2024-2025 Michael Vicic, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
2023-2024 William Clemons, Biochemistry
2022-2023 Marianne Bronner, Biology and Biological Engineering
2021-2022 Scott Cushing, Chemistry

Shirley Malcom