Is there a particular format necessary to follow when submitting a nomination?
Nomination packages should include a letter of nomination of no more than 750 words with up to five additional letters from students and colleagues of no more than 500 words. Supporting material, such as a curriculum vitae and course syllabus or description, can also be included.
Is there a page requirement for nomination packages?
There is no page limit requirement for the nomination package.
Do submission materials for a faculty member need to be submitted all at once?
Supporting materials for the package do not need to be submitted simultaneously. The Provost's Office will assemble additional material that may arrive separately into a single package.
Can the nomination be submitted electronically?
The nomination package and supporting materials that may come separately may be submitted electronically and /or as a hard copy. Email submissions should be sent to [box email]. Hard copy submissions should be sent to Malcom Prize Selection Committee, c/o Office of the Provost, California Institute of Technology, Mail Code 206-31, Pasadena, CA 91125.
Additional questions or comments?
If you have additional questions or comments, please contact provostoffice@caltech.edu.